
Our Garden Update

Our garden has simply come alive with growth since I last wrote about it. This year has been really easy growing which I think is partly due to the drought we are in. The lack of rain this year has kept away mold, disease and bugs which is great. Dry growing seasons here usually mean we'll have a good garden.

Our tomatoe plants, as last year, are putting on a show and growing like crazy all over the place. We try to stake them up but they have not stayed put and have turned into a spreading tangled mass of branches, leaves and loads of green tomatoes. About a dozen tomatoes have just turned red this week. (I ate the first of the year after I was finished taking these photos.:))

Our three yellow squash plants are coming along as well and have about three or four squashes growing on them.

We have problems with our peppers though. There must have been some labeling confusion at the nursery because not only was one of our serrano plants not a serrano but a mirasol chile, it looks like one of our "poblano" pepper plants is actually a serrano or a jalapeno. Makes it interesting doesn't it?!
The mariachi pepper plant is growing really well and has about five or so peppers on it. We have never tried mariachi peppers before so I am anxious to see how they taste. They are supposed to be mild.

Yellow squash

Mirasol chile

Mariachi Peppers

Serranos?? Jalapenos??

Our 6 cherry tomatoes. To give some perspective this area is about 10'x10'.  I've lost my epazote plant somewhere in the middle of there...and the basil plants, parsley and hyssop are struggling to keep their own ground.

Cherry tomatoes


Concord grapes



Allison said...

Hi Leah! Wow! Your garden is beautiful. Looks like a jalapeno. We planted some this year too.


Leah said...

Yeah, that is what I was thinking too. If I remember correctly from last year's garden, serranos grow in clusters and these are growing more individually.